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94th AfWASA CST Conference: presentations and work by Specialist Groups on the second day

Thursday, 21 November 2024
Read 1166 times

Tuesday, November 19 was the second day of the 94th meeting of the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA)  Council, in Kampala, with a program featuring presentations and work by specialist groups.

Debriefing of the first day

The day began with a debriefing of the first day, enabling participants to look back on the highlights and major discussions of the previous day.

Presentation of AfWASA's gender mainstreaming strategy

A key presentation highlighted the results of AfWASA's gender survey. This initiative shows the association's commitment to promoting an inclusive and equitable approach to the water and sanitation sector. Participants discussed strategies for strengthening the role of women in the sector's decision-making and operational processes.

Collaboration and data sharing in Africa

Another presentation focused on the importance of collaboration and data sharing across the continent. Access to reliable, up-to-date data was identified as a crucial lever for improving performance and decision-making in the water and sanitation sectors.

AfWASA activity reports: August to November 2024

AfWASA's Executive Director presented a detailed review of activities carried out between August and November 2024. The report highlighted progress made, challenges encountered and initiatives to come, reaffirming the association's momentum and catalytic role in the region.

Preparations for the 22nd Congress in Kampala

Another highlight of the day was devoted to the state of preparations for the 22nd AfWASA Congress, scheduled for February 2025 in Kampala. The presentation detailed organizational progress and next steps, while inviting members to get actively involved to ensure the success of this major event.

Specialist group work

The day concluded with the start of work by the specialist groups, who were given a precise roadmap to guide their reflections and discussions. Their task was to :

Take stock of existing breakthrough technologies and innovations in the water and sanitation sector in their country or utility.

Identify the essential systems, processes and services that need to be disrupted to accelerate the achievement of SDG6.

Define the role of different players in facilitating disruptive technologies and innovations in the sector

Identify critical capacity-building needs that AfWASA should address.

The work of the specialist groups continues until late Wednesday morning. Restitution is scheduled for early afternoon.
